Kempson Players

Full information about Establishment Kempson Players at 11 Lodon Avenue, Bromyard, England HR7 4TW. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


11 Lodon Avenue, Bromyard, England HR7 4TW
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Kempson Players

Reviews about Kempson Players

  • Molly Bagley
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    Good safe area for young children and teenagers alike to hang out. Also a lot of events are held there where there's music, food and drink and various other stalls. A lot of work goes into it, and even places like the high school in Bromyard, and clubs such as the Bromyard youth club get involved.
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02.05.2024 04:00 10
02.05.2024 07:00 10
02.05.2024 10:00 11
02.05.2024 13:00 12
02.05.2024 16:00 13
02.05.2024 19:00 13
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03.05.2024 01:00 10
03.05.2024 04:00 10
03.05.2024 07:00 9
03.05.2024 10:00 9
03.05.2024 13:00 9
03.05.2024 16:00 8
03.05.2024 19:00 9
03.05.2024 22:00 8
04.05.2024 01:00 8
04.05.2024 04:00 8
04.05.2024 07:00 8
04.05.2024 10:00 9
04.05.2024 13:00 11
04.05.2024 16:00 15
04.05.2024 19:00 14
04.05.2024 22:00 8